Wednesday 5 May 2010

The Independent ask us not to miss this historic opportunity - go for it!


The Independent newspaper begins its front-page article thus;

For five years this paper has fought for electoral reform. Britain now has a historic chance to end our unfair and discredited voting system for ever

This election campaign has felt almost like a liberation. The prison walls – the stultifying, spirit-crushing assumptions of the long era of two-party politics – have crumbled. The surge in support for the Liberal Democrats has unlocked something precious: a feeling among the public that, for the first time in a generation, a radical overhaul of our political settlement could be possible.

That feeling – combined with the enduring uncertainty over the result of the election – is a tonic for our democracy. The public sense that their vote matters. When one considers that this campaign began against a backdrop of rampant cynicism and apathy, stirred up by MPs' abuse of their expenses, this transformation looks all the more remarkable. And welcome.

It really is a once in a life-time chance to get a modern system based on real democracy.  

Dr Steven Ford for Hexham - vote tactically for the rest of the UK!

Let's do it!

Click HERE to read the Indy article.

Posted via email from Hexham Matters

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