Sunday 28 February 2010

Hexham asks not only 'who is the leader' but 'what does he stand for'

It's said that if you show a picture of a high-profile Opposition spokesman like George Osborne or Chris Grayling to the person in the street, they'll have trouble identifying them. This could well be true. And if it's true of the second biggest party, the Tories, then just think what a problem the smaller parties have with 'recognition factor'.

The Liberal Democrats took a humorous approach to the problem a few years ago when they realised that they had just enough MPs for a pack of cards. Their current leader Nick Clegg is probably worrying in private about losing a few of his Aces to his fellow players next time round... (By the way, what is he doing in that photo? Fans of FlashForward will find it very disturbing indeed.)

What about the minority parties - the Greens and UKIP, for example? Would you know the leader of UKIP if he walked up to you in the street? Probably not. Fair enough, really, as Lord Pearson has not been as high profile as his, ahem, colourful predecessor Nigel Farage.

Check out 'X Marks the Box' - he's offering you a free copy of his soon-to-be-published book!

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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