Sunday 28 February 2010

John Redwood says its time for Labour & the Toriesto unveil their messages. Hexham awaits.

It’s time for the two main parties to unveil their messages, draft their pledge cards and tell us their “narratives” for the election. Put simply, Labour are saying their storyline is “We saw you through the recession. Don’t let the Tories spoil it”, whilst the Conservatives are saying “We are in a huge mess of Labour’s making. The Conservatives will have to clear it up”. Labour have come up with some slogan or high level phrase I cannot quite remember about fairness and justice. As far as I am concerned it is higher fares for all with Labour’s one size doesn’t fit all economic policy. The Conservatives have come up with “We can’t go on like this. It is time for a change”, and may be launching more of their headlines today and next week. Beneath the headlines it has become fashionable...

What do you think a joint pledge card would say?

1 We will shovel yet more money from the middle-classes and poor to the mega-rich.

2 We will continue to spin and pretend that real change is happening when it isn't.

3 We will continue to abuse weak and vulnerable groups children, the elderly etc.

4 We will continue to allow banks to screw their customers and the country.

What other 'pledges' would you add?






Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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