Friday 9 April 2010

264 General Election candidates already committed to equality | The Equality Trust

Houses of Parliament
On the day that the General Election is called, the total number of candidates who have signed the Equality Pledge has reached 264.

Find out whether your candidates have signed [external link]....

... and if not, please use our online tool [external link] to write and ask them to sign.

The Equality Pledge

Compelling new evidence presented by The Equality Trust shows that more equal societies - those with a narrower gap between rich and poor – are more cohesive, healthier, suffer fewer social problems and are more environmentally sustainable. In view of these findings I am committed to making the UK a more equal society as the most effective means of building a better society.  I will therefore actively support the case for policies designed to narrow the gap between rich and poor; and engage with the debate on which measures should be implemented to achieve that aim.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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