Wednesday 7 April 2010

Top Tory's VAT plan would leave poorest 30% worse off | Left Foot Forward

Boris Johnson’s deputy mayor, Kit Malthouse, yesterday suggested that direct taxes should be replaced with VAT. The policy would result in an astonishingly regressive shift in the tax system.

In yesterday’s Times, Malthouse wrote:

“Whichever way you look at it, cash is on the way out, and this means an indirect, universal sales tax could be on the way in, as a replacement for all direct taxes. The amount of tax collected may well be the same, but the big benefit would be an end to the mindless game of cat and mouse among politicians, corporate Britain, the Inland Revenue and the long-suffering public.”

The wisdom of the policy has been questioned by Paul Waugh, Next Left and the Daily Mirror but the full horror of its regressive nature is only just becoming clear. Analysis carried out for Left Foot Forward by Howard Reed using ONS data shows the distributional impact of replacing direct taxes such as income tax and employee national insurance with VAT. The chart shows that the poorest families would be hit with a 30 per cent tax hike while the richest would face a 9 per cent tax cut. Reed estimates that VAT would have to rise to 55 per cent to cover the loss in income tax and NICs.

Malthouse has form on hair-brained tax schemes.

Click on link to read the full article

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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