Sunday 18 April 2010

Which organizations can help me work for a better political system? (update)

ACTIVIST GROUPS - LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS FOR REFORM IN UK POLITICS (Let me know of any that should be added - excluding extremist groups)

My hope that organizations should combine to work for a hung/coallition/consensus parliament was recently answered via the launch of -

Introduction to British Politics -   see   also   WikiPedia

Electoral Reform Society and MakeMyVoteCount -
ModernLiberty -
Charter2010 -
Contact your Councillors, MP, MEPs, MSPs, or Northern Ireland, Welsh and London AMs for free -
DemocracyClub -
Equality Trust -
Hear from your MP -
The Independent Network -    and
JustSolutions - - find out which seats are marginal and by how many votes
VoteForPoliciesNotPeople -

Posted via email from Hexham Matters

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