Monday 12 April 2010

Extraordinary response to Dr Steven Ford & his campaign team in Hexham

The campaign team spoke to hundreds of Hexham folk on Saturday.

Steve held an 'open surgery' for the many people who wanted to discuss issues and the need for a new form of truly democratic and accountable politics.

He is of course the only candidate with more than two decades of service to the people of the constituency, having been a GP for thousands of constituency people.

He isn't a barrister and he wasn't imposed by London - and he won't disappear after he's elected as our new MP!

It's your chance to say "NO MORE" to the corrupt parties and 'YES' to the local man who embodies the ethics, values and policies to overturn the system and provide us with a clean 'New Politics'. We are lucky to have such a candidate in Hexham.

On the other hand you could vote Labour or Tory and get yet more of the wonderful Thatcherite garbage that we've had for the last 3 or 4 decades that has brought us to our knees.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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