Thursday 15 April 2010

'Nick Clegg seizes his moment in historic TV debate' - 61% says the Times Online

Even the Times says;

'Nick Clegg seized the initiative last night as the televised drama of Britain’s first campaign debate between party leaders transformed the election.

A Populus poll for The Times gave a stunning victory to the Liberal Democrat leader as he used the limelight of the historic ITV broadcast to devastating effect.

“I know you think that all politicians are the same. I hope I have tried to show you that that isn’t true,” he said at the close of a relaxed and personable performance.

Within minutes, 61 per cent of voters said that he had won the night, compared with 22 per cent for David Cameron and 17 per cent for Gordon Brown. '

Click on link to read their article

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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