Wednesday 14 April 2010

Unlock Democracy - an activist group that young people should be supporting - check them out

About Us

Unlock Democracy (incorporating Charter 88) is the UK’s leading campaign for democracy, rights and freedoms. A grassroots movement, we are owned and run by our members. In particular, we campaign for:

  • Fair, Open and Honest Elections
  • Rights, Freedoms and a Written Constitution
  • Stronger Parliament and Accountable Government
  • Bringing Power Closer to the People
  • A Culture of Informed Political Interest and Responsibility

Unlock Democracy was founded in November 2007 following the merger of Charter 88 and the New Politics Network (see history). In this section you can also find out more about our constitution, how we are funded, staff and governing bodies.

Finally, we also have a network of local groups across the UK.

Click on link to go to the UnlockDemocracy site.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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