Wednesday 21 April 2010

Gordon Brown Hypocisy reaches new heights

It was Brown & Prescott that stopped Blair from including Lib Dems in the government now look what he's saying!

Gordon Brown has appealed for a "progressive alliance" of natural Labour and Liberal Democrat supporters to join forces to keep the Conservatives out of power.

In an interview with The Independent, the prime minister says that he wants a "new politics", with the two parties creating an informal alliance.

"If you want a referendum on new politics, you've got to consider voting Labour," he told the newspaper.

"We are the only party committed to a referendum on it. You won't get one with the Tories."

Brown said the Tories offered merely "a change of personnel and a return to the old politics", whereas Labour was "serious" about revamping the UK's electoral system.

Meanwhile in an interview with the Daily Telegraph, Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has said Brown is "a desperate politician".

And the Liberal Democrat leader indicated he might find it difficult to do a deal with Brown in the event of a hung Parliament.

He also emphasised there were many differences between his party's policies and those of Labour.

"Do I think Labour delivered fairness? No. Do I think the Labour Party, in its heart, has a faith in civil liberties? No. They are clutching at straws."

Clegg's comments may be an attempt to distance himself from Brown ahead of the second leaders' debate tomorrow, after the prime minister tried to align himself with Clegg against Conservative leader David Cameron in the first debate, saying repeatedly "I agree with Nick"........

Cameron and the Tories of course are implacably opposed to Fair Voting.

Posted via email from Hexham Matters

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