Thursday 15 April 2010

Unlock Democracy - Election Manifesto 2010

Election Manifesto 2010

Article posted by Unlock Democracy

Citizen Extra CoverThe upcoming general election will be the most important election in years. After years of scandals, ranging from ‘cash for honours’ through to the recent expenses crisis, party politics has never been held in greater disrepute. All party leaders now say they accept that we can’t go on like this, but which parties are offering real change, rather than just the illusion of it?

In a major new initiative, Unlock Democracy will be conducting a survey over the coming weeks to assess to what extent the parties are committed to democratic reform.

Over the next few pages we outline what we think should be done. We’ll be using this list to benchmark each of the parties’ own policies.

Unlock Democracy is committed to pushing this agenda in the run up to the election and beyond – but we need your help. Please raise these issues with your constituency candidates so that they know that people care about the state of politics. And please consider donating to our general election campaign so we can spread the word as widely as possible.

Download Citizen Extra: General Election Manifesto

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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