Tuesday 27 April 2010

Great News Nick Clegg is up for being Prime Minister - then we might get real democracy

Nick Clegg
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(David Bebber/The Times)

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Nick Clegg, pictured being interviewed during a train journey to Southampton

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Nick Clegg has told The Times that the Liberal Democrats can supplant Labour and has stated that his ambition is to become prime minister.

He insists that the Liberal Democrats have become the leading progressive force at the ballot box. The latest Populus poll for The Times shows the party still in second place ahead of Labour with only eight days to go.

Mr Clegg believes that the May 6 vote is now a two-horse race between “two competing pitches for change” — the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. He says that Liberalism has replaced “Labour statism” as the driving argument of the Centre Left.

And whoever wins, he insists that the momentum for reform of the political system is unstoppable. “Reform is now unavoidable. You can’t duck it.”

Click on link to read Times article by Roland Watson and James Harding

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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