Thursday 15 April 2010

SUPPORT THE ROBIN HOOD TAX - Manifestos should include it, say Christian leaders | Ekklesia

Church leaders and Christian agencies say they are disappointed that none of the mainstream political parties have included a commitment to the Robin Hood Tax in their general election manifestos, which have been launched this week.

The Robin Hood Tax is a tiny levy on banks, hedge funds and other financial institutions that could raise billions to tackle poverty and climate change, at home and abroad. It is backed by a range of charities, NGOs, faith groups and trades unions.

But Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative leaders have all avoided any reference to the idea in the manifestos. Today (15 April), the Director of CAFOD, Chris Bain said that to miss the opportunity of bringing in a Robin Hood Tax would be “morally bankrupt”.

His comments were supported by the United Reformed Church (URC), the Salvation Army and the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). The Salvation Army have made the Robin Hood Tax a central plank of their manifesto for the next government.

Click on link to read article

MY COMMENT: Is this one of the few mistakes by the current Lib Dem party?

Click here -

to check out the Robin Hood Tax.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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