Saturday 3 April 2010

'Capitalism, a Love Story' - Michael Moore trailer

“Capitalism, a Love Story”. Here is the trailer:


Being the agent provocateur that he is, Michael Moore doesn’t pretend to offer answers in this documentary. Instead, he exposes a broken system by asking a lot of daring questions. One of his main ones is that both capitalism and socialism are constructs 100’s of years old. We are now living in the 21st century – isn’t it time we created a new financial system for today’s world?

And most damning of all: how can we pretend to live in a political democracy when our economy is not democratic? Can we ever have true democracy when the top 5% of Western society control the majority of its wealth? When that top 5% uses money to influence politics to protect the status quo?

For Hexham, for the UK, for the World - a new system is vital.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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