Friday 26 March 2010

99 reasons to get political right now - No 1

The average voter just doesn't know what's been done to them.  Look;

Labour as well as the Tories have been screwing the middle classes as well as the poor for 4 decades. 

The lower 50% of  the UK population in 1973 owned 12% of the wealth - that by 2003 had fallen to 1% - yes 1%. 

Where has the other 11% of the wealth gone - to the mega-rich of course.

          "In 1976, excluding property, the bottom half of the UK population owned 12% of the marketable wealth; by 2003 that had fallen to just 1%. In the same period, the  
          share enjoyed by the top 10% rose from 57% to 71%. Even when property is included, the bottom half of the population still only owns just 7% of the country’s wealth."

Consider the current sickening every-hour TV ads in which the poor are being invited to send in their few bits of gold.  Where do you think that value is being transferred to?

As with the National Lottery the blood of the poor is being transfused to the bloated bodies of the mega-rich'

For a programme for a New Politics see HERE       This is why in Hexham were supporting Dr Steve Ford - see HERE




Posted via email from Hexham Matters

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