Tuesday 23 March 2010

'How to heal sick UK politics - Anthony Seldon's cure' - report by Neil Twedie in the Telegraph

Anthony Seldon
The political author Anthony Seldon, pictured on the Wellington campus Photo: GRAHAM JEPSON

Who do you trust – really? Chances are that the list will not take too long to compile: close family and friends, the odd neighbour or work colleague, your GP perhaps.

And institutions? The BBC still does well in polls — despite the Jonathan Ross, Russell Brand furore and the bloated salaries of its too-numerous executives — as well as the National Health Service, despite a never-ending stream of stories about its limitations.

My own list of what's needed to cure or corrupt political system is here - http://reform-uk-politics-now.blogspot.com/

Of course it would help if we had some more MPs who had a moral compass.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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