Friday 12 March 2010

Europe: 'Will Cameron say one thing and do another?' asks Edward McMillan-Scott the ex-Tory MEP welcomed in by the Lib Dems

European parliament vice-president Edward McMillan-Scott has joined the Liberal Democrats after being thrown out of the Conservative party.

Mr McMillan-Scott had the Tory whip withdrawn after he stood against the Conservative-approved candidate for the European parliament vice-presidency, Michel Kaminski.

He had opposed the Tories' decision to leave the main centre-right grouping in the European parliament, the European People's party, in favour of the smaller European Conservatives and Reformists group.

Having spent several months as an independent MEP Mr McMillan-Scott has now joined the Lib Dems.

The transition has been eased by the fact, he explained, that "most of my family are liberals".

"I have been around the higher circles of the Conservative party for long enough to fear that, on Europe, Cameron says one thing in opposition and will do another in government," he said.

Last night's Newsnight suggested that the main countries in Europe admire GB and are horrified at the continued anti-Europe stance of the Tories. On top of that Boy George2 has managed to insult Sarkosy causing a diplomatic incident

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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