Tuesday 30 March 2010

Global Warming in a Nutshell


Climate Scientists are agreed that global warming is a serious problem that must be addressed urgently. Polls show that only about 60% of ordinary people are convinced that global warming is man made.

This paper aims to present the essential case for action on global warming in a way that ordinary people can understand.

1. The Earth's Temperature
The temperature of Planet Earth is maintained by two sources, heat from the sun, and a tiny amount of heat from the Earth's core.

2. The Greenhouse Effect
Without the atmosphere, Earth would be 33°C colder than it is because the sun's heat is retained by the gases in the atmosphere, which act as a kind of duvet.

3. Life on Earth
Life is adapted to a narrow global temperature range, which we alter at our peril.

4. System
The atmosphere is a system that is so complex that it can only be studied by computer models which can make the various factors interact. All these models show that we face serious problems.

Click on link to read the article.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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