Friday 5 March 2010

Tories not safe with hospitals - Jo Brand

Jo Brand, comedian:

“I want to talk about the NHS, which might be a bit odd because I haven’t worked in it for twenty years. But when I did I witnessed the changes that came about via that champion of the poor, dispossessed and women, Margaret Thatcher. I worked in a 24-hour psychiatric emergency clinic in South London, which was all you might imagine it was. Through those years we saw auxiliary services farmed out to the lowest bidder, witnessed a shift in attitude which nominated our patients ‘customers’, and saw a creeping bureaucracy which favoured businessmen over experienced nurses to preside over the day-to-day workings of hospitals. I don’t think the Tories are safe with hospitals and although there is much work to be done, I am still convinced that the NHS is only safe in the hands of a Labour government despite David Cameron’s protestations on the glamorous posters I see all around me. I remember the Hello Boys posters for bras that legendarily made several male drivers crash. Well, if anything is going to make me drive into a tree, it’s those Cameron billboards.”

Would Hexham do better to avoid any of the main parties and vote for Dr Steven Ford, a true Independent.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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