Saturday 6 March 2010

We must arm ourselves for a class war - Telegraph

Protesters in Greece
Protesters in Greece are demanding that the plutocrats pay Photo: EPA

If you don't work in the City or in economics, you may not have heard of the annual Mais lecture, which was delivered last night by George Osborne. But it's a big deal, arguably the most important set-piece speech in the Square Mile calendar. And only once before has City University, the host, deigned to invite an opposition politician primed for election to deliver it.

On that occasion, the young thrusting pup at the lectern derided a government in crisis, its finances in a state, its economic reputation in tatters. He promised to cut the deficit, to intervene in markets where necessary, and laid out a "new framework" for running the economy. That man was Tony Blair.

Click on link to read Edmund Conway's article.

What are the class relations in Hexham

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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