Friday 26 March 2010

POWER 2010 | POWER PLEDGE - UKwide, Hexham specific


After 4,500 submissions and more than 100,000 votes - this is your manifesto for fixing our broken politics. But to put these words into action we need your help - sign up to show your support.

The POWER Pledge:
1. Introduce a proportional voting system.
2. Scrap ID cards and roll back the database state.
3. Replace the House of Lords with an elected chamber.
4. Allow only English MPs to vote on English laws.
5. Draw up a written constitution.

To sign the POWER Pledge you don't have to agree with all five reforms. All you have to do is back a majority of the ideas - and then join our call for a reforming Parliament that will act on them. Let's fix it, not fiddle it.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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