Thursday 11 March 2010

My demands for a post-election deal, by Nick Clegg - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Nick Clegg will this weekend announce the four "tests" he would set for Labour and the Conservatives in return for the support of the Liberal Democrats if neither main party wins an overall majority at the general election.

In an interview with The Independent, the Liberal Democrat leader also revealed that his party would try to calm jitters in the financial markets about a hung parliament by calling for a £10bn "repayment" to cut Britain's public deficit. It would be found from £15bn of spending cuts to be outlined this month.

Mr Clegg will use his party's spring conference in Birmingham starting tomorrow to unveil "four steps to fairness" that would be his initial negotiating demands for backing a minority government led by David Cameron or Gordon Brown.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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