Monday 8 March 2010

Does this reading by Kevin Maguire apply to Hexham?

I see no immediate relief for David Cameron whose agony is likely to be prolonged to May 6 by which time his party should be fighting with the style and good grace of the Buller on a bad night out.

I'm on my way back to London after speaking to Labour people on Tyneside and, after a couple of weeks travelling to seats, I've watched Labour supporters starting to believe they can actually win. Take a bow, Lord Cashcroft, because you are political Viagra in Labour circles even if, in Peter Mandelson's elegant phrase, it's Cameron you have "by the balls". You are the poster tycoon for a Tory Party exposed behind the spin as fundamentally unreformed.

The "Big Mo" is with Labour and it's difficult to see how Cameron regains the initiative. Lurch to the Right by nakedly playing the race card and it's the same old nasty Tories. To carry on like this, errors following mistakes after gaffes, is to invite defeat. The current Tory woes underline how Cameron thought he could coast to victory when Labour was imploding. Now Labour's getting its act together, and the economy is recovering, it looks as if the Cons have a a vaccum where there should be a strategy.

Click on link to read Kevin Maguire's article.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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