Monday 8 March 2010

On the Bercow Tory machinations a Hexham Hornet has buzzed in!

Hexham Hornet said...
So what status does Mr Bercow really have? It is customary for the Speaker not to have to defend his seat, but now people are to stand and he has declared himself an Independent. Is he being supported by the Independent Network or is he totally on his own? There is a Tory, an ex-Tory and a UKIP member all standing, that sounds like a 3 way split of the Tory support, so it is an ideal opportunity for somebody to step in and take the seat - or are other parties and prospectives going to respect Parliamentary protocol and stand aside?

It is interesting to see the right/centre right fighting amongst itself and just shows what a poor choice the Tories would be as our next government. I like the idea of a hung Parliament, with all the parties having to take a commonsense approach to running the country. Parliament could become a strong House of Government if people put aside party bickering and turned to doing the best for the country by supporting the good ideas that can be put forward from any quarter in the House. This is why voting for a true Independent is such a good idea, but I wonder how truly Independent Mr Bercow is.

Thanks Hexham Hornet

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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