Saturday 6 March 2010

Tory lead slashed in key marginals - poll | Charter 2010

The Conservative lead in 60 key marginal seats has been cut to just two points, according to a Channel 4 News/YouGov poll which shows we could be heading for a hung parliament.

The survey shows the gap between the two main parties has narrowed to its closest since shortly after Gordon Brown became Prime Minister; 39 per cent said they would vote Conservative and 37 per cent Labour.

Channel 4 calcuates that, even if the Tories are doing better in the marginals, they would still fall short of an overall Commons majority. "In February last year, when we last did a poll in these marginal seats, the Tories had a seven-point lead. Now it is just two points, a swing of 2.5 per cent to Labour. "In 2005 Labour enjoyed an 11-point lead in these seats. When we first polled them 18 months ago the Tories had a 13-point lead."

Extrapolating the figures, YouGov suggests the Conservatives would capture 95 seats overall from Labour - still not enough to earn a working majority.

Source: Channel 4 - read more and see video clip here

Time for our MPs and would-be MPs to start their hate-filled Tribalism and start thinking about how they will work effectively together for the country.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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