Saturday 6 March 2010

CentreForum - independent think-tank

CentreForum seminar in the House of Commons
CentreForum is an independent, liberal think-tank seeking to develop evidence based policy solutions to the problems facing Britain.

Our research will reflect our liberal aims and values. But we are determined that it should begin with reference to data, not dogma. A good idea is a good idea, regardless of where it comes from.

Over time we intend to address a wide range of public policy issues, be they domestic or international, economic or social, environmental or political.

Sarah Teather MP addresses a CentreForum meetingRunning in parallel to our research programme are our public events. Through meetings, conferences, seminars and lectures, we aim to engage policy makers, academics, the media and voters in lively and provocative debate.  

We also run, an open forum to discuss and develop policy.
CentreForum is a charitable organization.



We certainly don't want facts to get in the way of prejudices here in Hexham (joke!)

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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