Friday 12 March 2010

Porn director selected as Lib Dem candidate - does it matter in Hexham?

The Liberal Democrats have selected award-winning porn director Anna Arrowsmith as a candidate for the general election.

Ms Arrowsmith, known to the industry as Anna Span, is taking on Conservative incumbent Adam Holloway in Gravesham after the previous Lib Dem candidate dropped out at the last minute.

As the winner of the best director gong at the 2008 and 2009 UK Adult Film and Television Awards the very-Liberal Democrat's record as a businesswomen is not to be sniffed at.

She sees herself more as a woman of business than a politician.

"I have worked all my life to set up a successful business and I want to fight for the rights of people in Gravesham," she said.

But political influences are clear from the body of her work, whose films include Hug A Hoodie and Hand Of The Law.

"In this day and age, people who live in a democratic society should be able to choose what they want to watch," she insisted.

"I have spent many years campaigning for equal opportunities for female workers and this has given me an excellent experience for the coming campaign."

Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe told the Times newspaper: "It is entirely inappropriate that someone involved in that sort of business should be a candidate, but it is up to the Liberal Democrats. Ultimately, it is up to the electorate to pass judgment."

Click on link to read article

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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