Friday 19 March 2010

Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy writes for injured David Beckham -

The Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy was so moved by David Beckham's devastating injury she immediately put pen to paper. Carol Ann, who writes a regular column for the Mirror, has given us her poem to publish exclusively below.

Achilles (for David Beckham)

Myth's river- where his mother dipped him, fished him, a slippery golden boyflowed on, his name on its lips. Without him, it was prophesised,
they would not take Troy.

Women hid him, concealed him in girls' sarongs; days of sweetmeats, spices, silver songs...
but when Odysseus came,

with an athlete's build, a sword and a shield, he followed him to the battlefield, the crowd's roar,
and it was sport, not war,

Click on link to read the poem

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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