Tuesday 30 March 2010

Leave the Apathy Party and do something about our rotten politics in the UK


screenshots of PledgeBank

screenshots of PledgeBank

PledgeBank lets people say, “I’ll do something, but only IF other people will too.”

PledgeBank lets people say, “I’ll give money every month to found a new campaign, but only if other people will too.” And the campaign becomes a real organisation.

PledgeBank lets people say, “I’ll knit some hats, but only if other people do too.” And the hats get knitted.

PledgeBank has been translated into over a dozen languages, by people making pledges to do the translations.

Our volunteer Tim looks after the everyday running of the site, as well as coordinating the team of translators.

PledgeBank is about you coming up with the perfect pledge, and changing a bit of the world.

Talk to us, and we’ll help you make the best pledge possible.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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