Wednesday 3 March 2010

The inspiring courage of Terry Waite as an inspiration for the Hexham candidate Dr Steven Ford

The stunningly courageous Terry Waite wrote to all those who were thinking of standing as Independent MPs with the intention of helping clean up the rotten political system that we now have in the UK.  Terry was a prisoner of terrorists in Lebanon for 1,763 days.

He ended his letter with these words;

In recent years I have been urged to offer myself as a candidate for Parliament. Each time I have given the suggestion serious consideration and have declined on the grounds that a parliamentary career would mean that I have to cease the work that I already do. However, I will do my best to support you in your candidature. This is a unique point in the history of our country. We face complex and demanding issues which require wise and mature leadership – leadership that is not subservient to party dogma, media approval or desire for status and position.

The call goes out to the country to find such people who are willing to serve for no other reason than that they desire to see the United Kingdom develop a just and fair society where tradition is respected and Parliament is truly a Parliament of the people.

Let us hope that such individuals will come forward in the coming months – and, if you are such, more power to your elbow!

Surely his unwavering belief in peace and justice, under such unremitting cruelty, must put him in the same rank as Martin Luther King and the Desmond Tutu.

This letter is one of several inspirations for the Hexham Independent candidate Dr Steven Ford.  

To read the whole of this inspiring letter go HERE

Posted via email from Hexham Matters

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