Thursday 4 March 2010

Why aren't people engaged with the political process?

The 7th Annual Audit of Political Engagement

The 2010 Hansard Society annual Audit of Political Engagement has been released. The Audit this year has a special focus on MPs and Parliament, raises a number of topical issues in the context of MPs' expenses and the forthcoming general election, and provides longer term reflections on the level of continuity and change charted in the Audit findings over the course of this Parliament.

It shows that while the MPs' expenses scandal has affected the public's satisfaction with and perception of MPs and the Westminster Parliament, there has not been a change in the level of trust people say they have in politicians or politics. However, a significant finding of the Audit this year is that there has been a big decline since 2004 in the perceived impact of the Westminster Parliament on people's lives, compared to other institutions. Only 19% think Parliament is one of the top three influential institutions on their everyday lives - an 11% drop from 2004. But 60% still think Parliament is 'worthwhile', compared to only 14% who disagree. 

Read the key findings here

Download the full 2010 Hansard Society annual Audit of Political Engagement.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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