Friday 5 March 2010

Great Ashcroft post from VoteForAChange

Oh Lordy!

They say:

The Times reports today that the Tories are targeting Lord Ashcroft’s millions at 1 in 500 voters in marginal seats at the coming election. Well done them for proving our point that the money follows the few voters that matter in our general elections.

There’s been a lot of talk about Ashcroft’s moola in recent days. And today we’re asking why people such as him, will be able to stand in the way of our efforts to modernize the only half way democratic chamber in our Parliament.

We’re asking our supporters to write to Lord Strathclyde, Tory leader in the Lords, asking him not to stand in the way of reform.

After all this Constitutional Renewal Bill can only deliver on its rather grand sound name by delivering the amendment our elected (albeit badly elected) representatives backed in the Commons - with provisions for a referendum on the voting system, and a shake up of the very rule book of politics.

Let’s make sure the Lords know it’s not their place to stand in the way of reform.


Some supporters may have received an email today erroneously describing Lord Ashcroft as a ‘hereditary’ peer. Alas typos set in when you work late into the night, but we wanted to fess up, and set the record straight.

To clarify - while hereditary peerages were rewards for smashing a few Saxon heads circa 1066, life peerages in this case are rewards for helping buy a few marginal seats circa 2001. Thanks!

Posted via email from Hexham Matters

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