Friday 5 March 2010

Light relief: - for fans of the Cohen bros The Big Lebowski - Dudeism: Dudeists of the World Unite!

Dudeists of the World Unite!

Come join the slowest-growing religion in the world – Dudeism. An ancient philosophy that preaches non-preachiness, practices as little as possible, and above all, uh…lost my train of thought there. Anyway, if you’d like to find peace on earth and goodwill, man, we’ll help you get started. Right after a little nap.

First, you might want to
Get ordained as a Dudeist priest

If you like, please visit our new

Check out the
Latest news and fun shtuff.

Take a look around by clicking on the page titles in the left column. We hope you dig our style. Also, check out Dudeism’s official publication: The Dudespaper.

OK it's fandom extended to the ultimate. The Dude is laid back/lazy but his phenomenal cult community of fans also know that there is a lot more than a grain of truth in both the film and the extraordinary manifestations of fandom.

None is more extraordinary than this site. If you loved The Big Lebowski - no other film elicited such a response - you will love this site. If you haven't seen the movie - you won't get it. The Dude is an everyman figure, an anti-hero, someone who is bouncing long pretty close to the bottom of the barrel. He is caught up in movements that are not of his making. It was the Cohen brothers take on Chandler's The Big Sleep. As much as anything in their canon, it demonstrates unequivocally their genius.

Will it overtake Star Wars as a (pseudo) religion?

The site is stunning. It even has a collection of academic papers on the world of the Dude - see HERE

For me it offers the same 'healing from humour' as QI or Have I got news for You' or 'Frasier' or 'Two and a half Men' etc. Healing from the sheer pain we get daily from this selfish, cruel world.

Aw shucks just listen to me go on. Time for me to take to the trail.

If there's one critcism of the ever-expanding virtual world of the Dude it is that much more credit and celebration needs to go to all of the other creations that make up The Big Lebowski. The John Goodman chracter is a work of genius - they are all brilliant. And who created and brought out this genius? - Joel and Ethan.

See the film - relax - go with the Dude - he abides.

Last thought one member of the Cohen tribe created Tescos. Joel and Ethan created a range of films that are simply stunning in the creativity - not least in their humour - balm for living in today's world.

Posted via web from Hexham Matters

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